Machinists Union Looking To Rebuild Hall On Airport Road – Add Training Facility & Underground Parking

October 5, 2023

Everett, Everett Economy

Machinists Hall

Photo from a Vaccine protest in October 2021 at the Everett Hall on Airport Road across from the Boeing Everett assembly plant.

Public comment is open until the 18th of this month on a proposal by the Aerospace Machinists Union to upgrade the existing Machinists Hall at 8729 Airport Road in south Everett, Washington.

Per their land use application, plans are to demolish the existing union hall and other structures on site currently.

Build a new union hall, administrative offices, and a machinist institute educational facility.

A supportive space of the classrooms will include a manufacturing area to be able to demonstrate the machinists aspects being taught. Note that the classrooms will provide education for students (both member and nonmembers) who are continuing education (e.g. local businesses such as Boeing employees located west of the site) as well as those new to the field. There are a total of 5 classes planned on each weekday all of which include 10 attendees (inclusive of both students and instructors).

Construction includes surface parking and a below grade parking garage. Comments on the plans may be made in any of the below three ways.

Mail: City of Everett Planning
Attn: Dennis Osborn
2930 Wetmore Ave. 8-A
Everett, WA 98201


Phone: 425.257.6479

Persons who comment will receive a copy of the decision with appeal rights.

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