Port Of Everett Announces Deal For Relocation Of Everett Yacht Club

April 26, 2021

Everett Economy

News in from the Port of Everett today…

The new Everett Yacht Club location will be at the south Marina. Photo courtesy Port of Everett.

The Port of Everett and long-time tenant Everett Yacht Club (EYC) are excited to announce execution of a new ground lease and building transfer that will allow EYC to relocate their clubhouse and reciprocal moorage dock to the Port’s South Marina.

The Everett Yacht Club, formed in 1907, is a premiere yacht club in the Puget Sound area whose history at the Everett waterfront predates the Port’s. EYC recently vacated the building it has occupied at the Port for more than 50 years at the west end of Waterfront Place Central (404 14th Street), with plans to create a new clubhouse by renovating an existing Port building in the South Marina.

EYC is hosting an outdoor groundbreaking ceremony on Saturday, May 8 at 1 p.m. at its new location at 1720 West Marine View Drive. The public is encouraged to attend to learn more about the building project, Everett Yacht Club and its benefits to North Puget Sound boaters. The event will align with current COVID-19 guidance.

“This is an exciting time for our club and also for the community during our second century as a continuously operating Yacht Club in Everett!” said John Seger, Commodore of the Everett Yacht Club. “We are proud to have made the commitment to our members as well as to the Port of Everett who has been a strong supporter of our organization and its continued success.”

The deal includes a 30-year ground lease with two, 10-year extensions, and a transfer and redevelopment of the former Port of Everett Marina Office building. The upland rent will be $25,000 per year with annual escalation and incremental market adjustments. The lease also includes 150 lineal feet of moorage near the building at market rate.

The Club’s nearly $1 million investment will create a multi-floor indoor/outdoor space for member meetings, club gatherings, trainings and education, and will feature a “Crow’s Nest,” a kitchen and bar, an elevator, and access to the Port’s adjacent Commodore Plaza and South Marina facilities. It will not be operated as an events venue. The Club will remodel the Port’s laundry facilities in the building, and lease that portion, along with the restrooms and showers, back to the Port for use by marina guests and boaters. The project is expected to be completed in 2022.

“The Everett Yacht Club is a valued partner and provides great benefit to our boating community here in Everett and to boaters around the Puget Sound,” Port Commission President Tom Stiger said. “The Port Commission is so pleased to be able to support the Club’s development plans as they continue their work to support safe recreational boating for more than a century. Their move to the South Marina marks a new era for the Club and will create vibrant activity in between Port Gardner Landing and Marina Village.”

The change in the Club’s location was nearly five years in the making and opens the door for the Port to begin moving forward with plans for the second phase of Waterfront Place. The Port will market the marquee site for a new dual destination restaurant concept on the water, Port CEO Lisa Lefeber said. The Central Dock building is beyond its useful life and slated for demolition in 2022 and reconstruction once a tenant is secured.


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