Everett Firefighters Association Serves Again

November 20, 2016

Everett, Everett Fire

Everett Firefighters Association

The main course…

For the 17th year, members of the Everett Firefighters Association and their families spent a Sunday providing a turkey dinner for seniors at the Carl Gipson Senior Center in Everett. By the time the day is through they expect to serve 350 – 400 seniors.

The day starts early with meal preparation by a core cooking staff who are then joined by more association members and their families. While the adults take care of the cooking, children of the firefighters association members deliver the meals to the seniors. Here are some MyEverettNews.com photos from today’s dinner. Click photo to enlarge…

Everett Firefighters Association

Not sure they taught these skills at the State Fire Academy…

Everett Firefighters Association

Preparation started early for this crew.

Everett Firefighters Association

The crowd is ready for the first serving of the day.

Everett Firefighters Association

The servers are ready.

Everett Firefighters Association

The kitchen runs like a well oiled machine.

Everett Firefighters Association

A server picks up pie and heads for the guests.

Everett Firefighters Association

Guests are served

Everett Firefighters Association

A great meal is enjoyed

Everett Firefighters Association

Hard to say who gets more out of this event…the seniors eating the dinners or the Firefighters Association and their families who prepare and serve them.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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