There currently are two retail marijuana stores in Everett. The first, High Society, opened on Broadway in early October and the second, Kush Mart, opened two weeks ago on Evergreen Way. The likely 3rd retail store is having a tougher go of it. At last week’s Everett City Council meeting neighbors of a proposed retail […]
Tag Archives: Everett marijuana
Everett’s 2nd Retail Marijuana Store To Open On Evergreen Way Across From Value Village
November 1, 2014
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On Thursday, the Washington State Liquor Control Board approved the 2nd retail marijuana license in the city of Everett, Washington. Kush Mart already has signs up and has posted that they will be open soon. They follow High Society which opened on north Broadway at the end of September. Everett is scheduled to get three […]
Everett City Council Votes To Extend Ban On Major Marijuana Growing Operations
October 16, 2014
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The Everett City Council Wednesday night voted to extend the city’s ban on major marijuana growing operations within the city limits for another six months. Citing a lack of available data and no funding source from the State to regulate, inspect or enforce the operations, city council members agreed to keep the current rules for […]
Medical Marijuana in Everett to Stay a Nuisance
June 11, 2014
The Everett City Council tonight unanimously voted to extend the city’s ban on medical marijuana until the Washington State Legislature clarifies rules and tax implications between recreational and medicinal pot. Everett has passed rules allowing retail marijuana and expects to see its first stores open sometime next month. However due to a lack of clarity […]
Here Are The Potential Everett Marijuana Retailers Selected in State Lottery
May 2, 2014
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Today results were released from the lottery drawing for the 5 retail marijuana locations in Everett. There were 27 applicants. It appears the top location will be a former Hyundai used car sales office on Evergreen Way. Another location by the south Everett Wal-Mart and a former Sports Bar and Thai restaurant in the Eastmont […]
Woody’s Weed Warehouse one of 4 Locations on Everett’s Retail Pot List
November 26, 2013
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The Washington State Liquor Control Board has released the first wave of applicants who want to be in the legal pot business in Everett. Applications began coming in early last week and so far there are 5 different retailers at 4 different locations in the applicant pool… Bud Man, LLC at 1520 Broadway in north […]
Everett to Get Five Retail Marijuana Stores
September 5, 2013
The Washington State Liquor Control Board has announced its proposed rules for how legal pot will be handled. The State has allotted 35 retail locations in Snohomish County with 5 retail stores to be located within the Everett City limits. Some regulatory highlights… Marijuana stores must be at least 1000 feet away from areas where […]
Everett Cancels Public Hearing on Recreational Marijuana Rules
August 16, 2013
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Received notice today that the city of Everett is going to hold off on setting special zoning rules for recreational marijuana. A public hearing in front of the Everett City Council was set for the end of the month but because the State has now pushed back the timeline for accepting applications to grow, process […]
Planning Commission Had its Say, Now Everett City Council to Consider Marijuana Rules
August 10, 2013
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At its Wednesday meeting the Everett City Council will consider recommendations for interim zoning regulations for growing, processing and selling legal marijuana in Everett. The City Council will get a briefing on Wednesday and then a public hearing is set for the 28th of this month. The City of Everett is trying to get rules […]
Everett Publishes Proposed Policies for Processing, Producing and Providing Pot
August 4, 2013
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The City of Everett Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the rules for processing, producing and providing legal marijuana on Tuesday August 6th. The city is trying to get policies in place before the State of Washington begins accepting applications on September 14th from those interested in getting into the legal marijuana business. […]
November 26, 2014
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