Some regulatory highlights…
Marijuana stores must be at least 1000 feet away from areas where children gather. Distance will be measured along the most direct route over or across established public walks, streets, or other public passageway between the proposed building/business location to the perimeter of the grounds of: an elementary or secondary school, playground, recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, library or arcade where admission is not restricted to those age 21 and older.
Licensed entity or principals limited to three retail licenses. Multiple-location licensees not allowed to hold more than 33 percent of the allowed licenses in any county or city.
LCB will employ a robust and comprehensive traceability system (software) that will trace product from seed/clone to sale. LCB enforcement can match records to actual product on hand
You can click here to see all of the proposed new rules.
The City of Everett has been working on proposed local pot rules but has put off a public hearing until the State finalized plans. Everett will now likely re-schedule that hearing and have local zoning laws in effect by the time the State begins accepting applications on November 15th.
September 5, 2013
Everett, Everett Government