This Week Not Meet The Owner, Be The Owner – Would You Like To Take Over My Everett News As I Retire?

December 30, 2023


retiredOn most Saturdays I do a feature here called “Meet the Owner” where I introduce readers to an owner of a business here in Everett, Washington. Some new businesses, some historic, some a little different but all with a great story.

Today however I want to let you know that after 13 years (4735 days in a row) I’m retiring to pursue some photography projects I’ve been thinking about for some time.

Friday January 5th will be my last day as publisher, editor, reporter, photographer, etc. of

If you’ve ever thought “I could do that”, well here’s your chance. Over the next week I’ll be taking offers from people interested in continuing the work I’ve started here.

I’m not looking for a lot of money but more someone who is willing to put in the work, build relationships with people in Everett and tell quick stories and provide further links for those who want information.

Maybe a retired journalist, a new journalist who doesn’t want to take the corporate path, someone who values being truly independent?

Send me your ideas and offers via email. Tell me your vision of the future for and why you think you’d be the best fit.

My email address is

Thanks and have a Happy New Year!

Leland Dart, Publisher

About My Everett News Staff

My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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