Here’s an introduction to two of the newest members of the Fire Department in Everett, Washington. Earlier this year the Everett City Council authorized funds for social workers to be added to both the Everett Fire Department and the Everett Public Library in addition to those already working with Everett Police. Thursday, Everett Fire provided the following information on the newest additions to their ranks.
In collaboration with the City of Everett, WA Community Development Department, Everett Fire would like to announce our new embedded social worker program known as CARES – Community Assistance Referral and Education Services and introduce you to our two new social workers, Emma Ludington and Ashley Dyer.Both ladies are part of the city’s greater team of Community Support Specialists, who have members embedded with the Everett Police Department and the Everett Public Library, and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to this program.
Funded by grant dollars, the Everett Fire CARES pilot program has been underway officially as of June 2023. This internal referral service is an innovative way to reach residents in our community outside of the 911 emergency system. In the first 30 days of the program, Emma and Ashley have been able to connect with 56 individuals who were in need of greater assistance and services outside of emergency services.
We welcome Ashley and Emma to our Fire Department Team as we work to provide the best care possible to our community. Welcome Emma and Ashley!
Click here for more information about the City of Everett’s Community Development and Outreach efforts and available resources.
July 28, 2023
Everett, Everett Fire