Dangling live power lines presented a challenge for firefighters in Everett, Washington Saturday afternoon after a garage caught fire behind a house in the 2300 block of Baker Avenue in north Everett.
Sno911 received multiple calls of smoke and flames coming from the garage around 3:20 PM. Engine 2 was the first to arrive and began an attack on the garage which was away from the main home but immediately next to an newer structure.
Flames had burned through some wires heading toward the home which created hazards for crews fighting the fire with live exposed wires above them.
Everett Firefighters were able to deal with the live wire issue and contain most of the damage to the initial outbuilding. Fire did spread to the adjacent garage building but not to the house.
There were no injuries and a fire investigator is was called to try and determine the cause of the fire.
Snohomish PUD was called to shut off power so Everett Fire crews could finish extinguishing the blaze.
Here are some photos of the Everett Fire crews at work. Click photo to enlarge.
July 29, 2023
Everett Fire