Firefighters Make Quick Stop On Grease Fire In Downtown Everett Apartment

Smoke comes out of a first floor apartment.

One resident was helped off the upper level by firefighters using a ladder.
Everett Firefighters made a quick stop on a grease fire in an apartment in the 2800 block of Hoyt in downtown Everett, Washington tonight.
Calls came to 911 around 8:30 and the first engine company arriving noted smoke coming from a first floor apartment.
Crews made an offensive attack and were able to get a quick knockdown on the fire and keep it contained to the one unit.
One resident was transported to Providence Regional Medical Center to be checked as a precaution.
Another resident of the apartment above where the fire happened was helped off the roof via ladder by Everett Firefighters.
No damage estimate and again Everett Fire said the cause appeared to be a grease fire in a kitchen.
apartment fire
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July 18, 2023
Everett Fire