Candidate Statement For Roman Rewolinski Everett School Board Position 5

July 14, 2023

Everett Government

Editor’s Note: On June 18th candidates in the August 1st Primary Election for Everett City Council Districts, Everett School Board and Port of Everett Commissioner along with Snohomish County offices including Everett voters were invited to send a statement up to 500 words to introducing themselves to our readers. Invitations were sent to the email address on file with the Snohomish County Auditor. Not all of the candidates responded but we are publishing unedited statements from those that did reply by our deadline. We think this is a good way for you to hear directly from the people running. All City of Everett offices are non-partisan, other offices vary. does not endorse candidates or issues but does accept paid political advertising.

Roman Rewolinski

Roman Rewolinski – candidate supplied photo

I’m Roman Rewolinski, running for Everett school board. I’m a Navy vet honorably discharged in 2008, after the Navy I used the GI Bill to pay for college. My wife and I have 3 kiddos, next year they’ll be in 3rd grade at Penny Creek ES, 8th grade at Eisenhower MS and 9th grade at Cascade HS. I saw the budget deficit and as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) I thought maybe I can help the district navigate the financial challenges it was facing; I’ve since been appointed to the Fiscal Advisory Committee. In private industry, I’ve been on the finance side of difficult restructuring initiatives and helped find solutions that didn’t include laying people off.

As a parent, my priorities are
1. School safety – Providing a high-quality education needs a safe environment where our kids, teachers and staff feel and are safe.

2. Teacher and staff excellence – Teachers and staff have a huge job that’s largely thankless. We need to take care of them and make sure they have everything they need to do their best for our kids including training to be on the cutting edge of teaching methodologies, de-escalation techniques and also peace of mind regarding their job security. They should also be armed with a reporting mechanism and an understanding of the resources available to our most vulnerable children that need help.

3. Upholding intellectual freedom and equipping our kids for success – Our children need to be able to think for themselves, they can learn how with an open curriculum and the help of their parents, teachers and peers. Banning books is not the answer. Also, we owe it to all children to provide opportunities for them to become successful grownups, whether it’s through a trade, vocation or higher education.

4. Fiscal responsibility – I touched on this a bit, but I am willing to use my financial expertise to help EPS do the right thing & provide a high-quality education for all our children even in the hard times, and I believe if we take our time and get into the details, we can also save jobs.

I invite anyone to call or text me at (425) 515-7692 to chit chat or talk about what matters most to you in EPS.

You can also look over the website I made myself, For me, this is about our kids, their journey to adulthood and the future of our community.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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