According to early plans the proposed QFC Fuel Center would be located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Evergreen Way and 50th Street, in the City of Everett, Washington; a portion of the parking field serving the adjacent QFC Food Center, within the Claremont Village Shopping Center.
The area impacted by the proposed development is approximately 22,000 square feet (± 0.51 acres).
The project narrative says the current proposal calls for the construction of a new QFC Fuel Center featuring a 43- by 92foot fuel canopy (3,956 SF) with five (5) multi-product dispensers (MPDs), creating ten (10) vehicle fueling positions (VFPs) and an 8- by 23-foot (184 SF) cashier’s kiosk (see Figure 4).
The project will also feature the installation of two (2) new underground storage tanks (USTs); one 20,000-gallon UST for regular the storage of regular unleaded fuel and one 18,000-gallon dual/split UST (8,000-gallons for the storage of premium unleaded fuel and 10,000-gallons for the storage of diesel fuel). The QFC Fuel Center will be capable of unattended operation (24/7/365), but attendants will be onsite during regular business hours and for all fuel deliveries.
Related site improvements may include asphalt paving, exterior lighting fixtures, signage located on the fuel canopy fascia, perimeter and interior landscaping, and the use of an existing access driveway for fuel customers and deliveries. The project also calls for the loss of as many as fifty-six (56) parking stalls.
This project is still in the preliminary stage. No word when they might be seeking public comment.
June 21, 2020
Everett Economy