What Types Of Playground Equipment Do You Want To See At Forest Park?

April 29, 2019

Everett Government

Forest Park

Forest Park Map courtesy City of Everett Parks Department.

Probably no park in Everett, Washington has changed over the decades more than Forest Park. Dating back to the 1930’s it has quite the history. At one time Forest Park used to have a zoo including it’s own elephant. One remnant that lasted into the 1970’s was a small enclosure containing live bears. Back then they also had playground equipment that would scald you in the sunshine or send you spinning onto concrete.

The ways to entertain kids at Everett’s Forest Park have evolved over the years and that process is underway again. Everett Parks and Community Services is seeking input on new playground equipment planned for Forest Park. Community members are invited to a public meeting about the project on Monday, May 13, 6-7 p.m. at Lions Hall at Forest Park (802 E. Mukilteo Blvd.).

“Forest Park is one of our most popular parks, visited by thousands of residents, children and families every year,” said Lori Cummings, Everett parks director. “We encourage anyone who enjoys the playground there to join us at the public meeting to learn about the scope of the project and share ideas about what you’d like to see!”

The Forest Park playground project is a capital improvement project. Playground equipment at Everett parks is typically evaluated to be replaced on a 15-year cycle. Construction is expected to begin fall of 2019 and be completed in 2020.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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