Owner Closes Retail Pot Store In Everett’s Eastmont Neighborhood

April 29, 2019

Everett Economy

Mari Js

Mari J’s opened in 2015 on 19th SE. just south of the Buzz Inn Steakhouse.

Mari J’s Highway Pot Shop has closed for good. “I’m tired of all of the hassles and so I shut it down,” owner Jessica Jordan told MyEverettNews.com Monday night.

On April 23rd an appeals hearing affirmed a decision revoking the license over a party of interest violation from March of 2017. The decision is on appeal to the WA State Cannabis and Liquor Board and set to be heard next month.

“My lease is coming up and I think I’d rather pursue my interest in real estate and so the store is closed,” Jordan added.

Mari J’s opened in the summer of 2015 at the site of a former convenience store at 9506 19th Avenue SE. That was after first applying for her retail marijuana license in December of 2013. In November of 2015 Mari J’s was handed a five day license suspension for selling items at too low a cost. After a routine inspection of the store’s invoices on September 8th, an agent found the store had sold 11 items under acquisition cost. All of the items were sold for one cent when their value was between 30 cents and 75 cents.

Since opening, Mari J’s has been involved in multiple charity events including a fundraiser for rescue pups and last year proceeds from their 3rd anniversary event were donated to support young adults with autism.

Mari J’s was the fourth of five retail marijuana stores allowed by the City Council within the city limits of Everett, Washington. Now another store may open to take its place somewhere else in the city. The State of Washington authorized a total of ten stores in Everett but the city council has repeatedly voted to limit the number to five.


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