Progressive Summit And March In Everett Sunday

June 2, 2018


One of the largest gatherings of local Progressive groups will happen in downtown Everett, Washington this Sunday. Here’s the scoop.


To check it out head to the corner of Wall and Rockefeller in downtown Everett.

June 3, 2018, at noon is the second annual North Sound Progressive Community People’s Summit, followed by the March for Solidarity.  The event is being held at the Snohomish County Courthouse Plaza and Amphitheater, 3000 Rockefeller Avenue, in downtown Everett.  More than 30 local progressive grassroots community action groups and organizations will be providing information.  Speakers begin at 1 p.m. at the Amphitheater and include topics on democracy, climate change and the environment, student movement for gun responsibility, fair and equitable representation, social/racial/gender justice, affordable housing and more.  The community is invited to engage, learn and build coalitions.  We also invite attendees to participate in Wear Orange Weekend with Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, along with student-led groups, who’s simple message is that there’s more we can do to end gun violence.

At 2 p.m. everyone will be invited to participate in a demonstration of support for our neighbors who are immigrants and refugees.  We are joining the ongoing monthly march “March in Solidarity with Immigrants and Refugees”, where all positive message signs are encouraged to be carried on the easy 1-mile march.  Signs for all progressive issues are welcome!

This year’s theme is Building a Progressive Community to Ignite and Empower Action.  The event is sponsored by the Communities of Color Coalition (C3), ForEverett, SnoCo Indivisible, We Won’t Be Next / Students Demand Action and Everett March In Solidarity.

Speakers will discuss taking progressive actions in democracy, supporting religious freedom, creating diversity, equity and fair representation; the urgency for action on climate change and the environment; the power of the student movement for gun responsibility; community responsibility for promoting social/racial/gender justice and affordable housing; as well as progressive initiatives coming to the ballot.  In addition to the sponsors, participating groups include the 350-Everett, The Poor People’s Campaign, NAACP of Snohomish County, Everett Meaningful Movies, Everett Districts Now, League of Women Voters of Snohomish County, Marysville Indivisible, Moms Demand Action, Women’s March Everett Huddle, Whole Washington (I-1600), Washington Alliance for Jobs and Clean Energy (I-1631), North Seattle Progressives, Northwest Community Bail Fund, Moms Out Front, and many more!

This is a free outdoor accessible family-friendly and non-partisan event where everyone is welcome.  To Find Out More About the North Sound Progressive Community People’s Summit visit our Facebook page North Sound Progressive Community People Summit and for groups/organizations wanting to participate, email Chris at  (in the event of rain we will be inside the County Administration Building)!

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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