Editor’s Note: It is the practice of MyEverettNews.com to offer candidates for office an introduction to our readers. We accept these from candidates who will appear on the ballots within the Everett City limits. They are published as a public service and in the order received. MyEverettNews.com does not endorse any candidates or issues. The profiles are not written by MyEverettNews.com.
This profile is from Rick Larsen. Candidate for U.S. Congress District 2, He is on the ballot for the primary on August 7th. Larsen is the incumbent. For more information visit his website: www.RickLarsen.org
Each day I am guided by what I hear when I visit with students, families and small businesses around northwest Washington – the challenges they face, and the opportunities they seek. It is an honor to represent the 2nd District, and for me that means being a champion for our middle class.We are building an economy that creates good-paying jobs by investing in transportation infrastructure, and fighting to establish the 2nd District as a center for renewable energy innovation to grow our economy and protect our environment.
To compete in a global marketplace, we need more access to education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Washington state has more STEM jobs than any other state in the country, but we are failing to train our future workforce to meet the demand. I am focused on investing in our communities through technical training and apprenticeships.
Protecting our middle class also means helping our communities address the pain of opioid addition. Addiction is not a moral failing; it is a disease and its victims deserve treatment and recovery. I am working to provide law enforcement with the training and supplies they need to reverse overdoses and get our loved ones on the road back to recovery.
Providing for the middle class means ensuring our veterans have access to the care they need. I am committed to continuing to make healthcare easier to access, and easing the transition from military service to civilian employment or educational opportunities. We don’t leave our veterans behind.
My family has called northwest Washington home for over a century, and it has been my great honor and duty to bring these shared values to Washington, D.C. I am excited about strengthening our middle class at home, and if you feel the same – I ask for your support.
June 2, 2018