Everett Employee Salary Scale Released For 2018 With Raises For Most Staff

November 22, 2017

Everett Government


The 2018 salary schedule gives appointed Everett City employees a 3% raise.

The Everett City Council today got a look at the 2018 salary range and classification for City staff. Most employees will see a raise.

Appointed employees are expected to receive a three percent increase. Union workers will be receiving raises based on their contract negotiated with the City.

There are various contracts involving employees with AFSCME Local 113, Everett Firefighters Local 46, Everett Police Management Association, Everett Police Officers Association, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 883 and the Snohomish County Construction Crafts.

Employees working on an hourly basis (other than Library pages and members of ATU Local 883) are considered day laborers and their pay rate is set by city charter.

Today was the first reading of the ordinance. A public comment period and final reading of the ordinance setting the schedule for next year will be held on December 6th.

The City’s Citizen’s Salary Commission sets the pay rate for the Mayor and Everett City Council Members. For 2018 the Mayor’s monthly salary is expected to be around $15,429.00 per month or $185,000.00 for the year.

For members of the Everett City Council their monthly pay in 2018 is expected to be around $2,384.00 per month or $28,608.00 for the year. The President of the Everett City Council gets 30 percent more for their additional duties.

Here is the proposed salary schedule by department for 2018.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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