Kids To Help Celebrate Arbor Day and Earth Day In Everett, WA

April 7, 2017

Everett, Everett Government

The City of Everett has announced a couple of events involving kids to help celebrate Arbor and Earth Day this month. If you’d like to join the party here’s what you need to know…

Arbor Day Elementary students join Everett Parks & Community Services each year to preserve and beautify the city’s parks and outdoor spaces for future generations.

Arbor Day Ceremony: Youth help grow urban forest

Fifth graders from Whittier Elementary School will plant trees and other vegetation at Legion Memorial Park, and join City staff and administrators in celebrating environmental stewardship, on Wednesday, April 12.

“If you look around the city of Everett, you will see many kinds of thriving trees planted by students in celebration of Arbor Day, along our streets, in our parks and at our schools,” said Jane Lewis, parks recreation supervisor.

This is Everett’s 22nd year of earning an official Tree City USA designation by the National Arbor Day Foundation.

“These trees symbolize hope for the future, care for the environment, and government, schools and businesses working together,” Lewis said.

Small businesses and residents can support Everett’s urban forest by planting and caring for trees in suitable places on their personal property and in neighborhood landscaping.

The Snohomish County PUD also is celebrating its commitment to the foundation’s Tree Line USA program, which recognizes “best practices in public and private utility arboriculture.”
The Arbor Day ceremony includes awards presentations and refreshments from 12:45-2:15 p.m. Legion Memorial Park is located at 145 Alverson Blvd. Refreshments will be provided by Trader Joe’s.

Earth Day comes to Johnston-Kelly Park 

View Ridge Elementary students plan to dig in and help keep Everett green during an Earth Day work party on Friday, April 21, from 1-2 Johnston-Kelly Park.

Heidi Davis, a teacher at View Ridge, and her second and third-grade students will assist Everett Parks & Community Services staff in maintaining the environmental-learning park, and help plant new beneficial vegetation. The 4.8-acre greenbelt, located at 49th St. SW and Forrest Dr., is an outdoor biodiversity classroom for the school and other community groups.

City Horticulturist Craig Callies explained that View Ridge Elementary students have been helping improve Johnston Kelly Park for more than 20 years.

“Without their help, the park would not be the great site that it is. The students visit the park monthly during school for environmental education lessons and to work,” Callies said. “The park is a wonderful example of our young Everett citizens celebrating Earth Day every day!”

For more information about either event, visit or call 425-257-8300 ext. 2. To get involved with urban forestry volunteer efforts, check out the Green Everett Partnership:


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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