Is 2036 For Light Rail to Everett Good Enough?

May 26, 2016

Everett, Everett Government

light rail

It costs 4 billion dollars more but will be in Everett 5 years sooner…

Today Sound Transit revealed that they can bring light rail to Everett five years sooner than first proposed. Now they say it can be running between 128th street and Everett station in 2036 instead of 2041. The line will have a spur running west to the Paine Field area but instead of running down Evergreen Way it will run down I-5 from 526. The question now is whether 2036 is still too far away for voters in Everett and Snohomish County to say yes to ST3 in November. Here’s a link to the proposed changes presented today by Sound Transit. By the way, the proposed changes will also cost an extra $4 billion dollars…

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