Car Crashes Into N. Everett Les Schwab Store

February 2, 2016

Everett, Police Blotter

Les Schwab

There was only one person in the car.

Les Schwab

The car went all the way into the building.

Les Schwab

It’s Les Schwab. While one crew cleaned, another finished work on a customer’s car.

Les Schwab

Employees remove one of the damaged window frames.

Les Schwab

A look at the front of the car.

Two people were taken to the hospital to be checked out after a car crashed into the Les Schwab Tire store at Everett and Walnut Tuesday afternoon.

The driver of the car was transported to Providence Regional Medical Center along with a small boy who had been in the waiting room with his mother.

Another person in the building had a minor cut that did not require treatment. None of the injuries appeared serious.

Workers at the store told that the man drove in with two flat tires and went right through the wall into the waiting and sales area.

Everett Police are still in the process of conducting an investigation in to the reason the driver failed to stop.

Here are some photos of the scene.

Click photo to enlarge.


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