Everett Fire Crews Busy With Flooded Apartments and Record Storage Warehouse
Ladder crews at the Iron Mountain facility on Hardeson Road
Everett Firefighters were busy today with two separate flooding problems. Around Noon, an engine company and both of the city’s ladder trucks were called out to the Iron Mountain records storage warehouse in the 6600 block of Hardeson Road. Assistant Everett Fire Marshal Eric Hicks tells MyEverettNews.com a sprinkler head was accidentally broken on the third floor causing potentially thousands of gallons of water to leak to the 2nd and 1st floors. Firefighters assisted company representatives in shutting down the system, extracting water and replacing the sprinkler head. Several records sustained water damage.
Fire crews at Camelot Apartments
A short time later Everett Fire crews had to call in a ladder company from outside of the city to help with a broken sprinkler head that flooded multiple units in the Camelot Apartments at 110th and Evergreen Way.
Rain has also been causing issues and overwhelming many storm drains in roadways throughout the streets of Everett. City crews are responding to flooding areas as fast as they can. According to the weather folks it may be a rough 24 hours.
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Everett flooding, flooding Everett
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December 10, 2014
Everett, Everett Fire