Everett Police Want Charges Against 3 Different Drivers in Crash That Killed 7 Year Old Boy

August 1, 2013

Everett, Police Blotter

Back in October of last year a 3-car crash took the life of a 7-year-old boy. Today the Everett Police Department announced it is asking the Snohomish County Prosecutor to file charges against all 3 drivers involved in the crash. Here’s the update from Aaron Snell at Everett PD…


The scene on Evergreen Way the night of the crash

Traffic detectives completed their investigation into the October 30, 2012 fatality collision in the 7800 block of Evergreen Way. The investigation concluded that two BMW’s were southbound on Evergreen Way and stopped at the intersection of 75th St SE for a red light. When the light turned green, both vehicles accelerated past the posted speed limit in an impromptu race. The driver of the black BMW made several lane changes and ultimately collided with the front of the other BMW. The collision caused the black BMW to spin into oncoming lanes of travel where it was struck by a third vehicle traveling northbound. The passenger in the black BMW, 7 year-old Josiah A. Alves, died from injuries sustained in the collision. The driver of the northbound vehicle received substantial bodily injuries.

The findings of the investigation led detectives to refer charges to the Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office on all three drivers. The driver of the black BMW and the second BMW are being referred for vehicular homicide charges while the driver of the northbound vehicle is being referred for driving under the influence. As charges have not been made, the drivers are not being identified.

The Prosecutor’s Office will review the case on each driver and decide if formal charges are applicable.

The driver of the black BMW is a 31 year-old Everett man and father of Josiah Alves. The driver of the second BMW is a 28 year-old Clinton, WA man. The driver of the northbound vehicle is a 76 year-old Marysville, WA woman.

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