Last week the Everett City Council delayed a vote on approving funds for consultants to study costs and locations for a new or upgraded stadium in Everett, Washington that would meet requirements set out by Major League Baseball.
Following a presentation by the Aquasox ownership, city staff and the current consultant, the Everett City Council voted unanimously to authorize two contracts totaling $1.1 Million dollars.
“I appreciate the presentation tonight,” said City Council President Brenda Stonecipher. “There’s a lot more information that helped me understand the other pieces of the work that needs to happen including the economics and feasibility of the site to be chosen.”She also called for the formation of a “fiscal advisory committee” to make sure all of the different entities that would or could be part of the funding mix stay aware that they are working together on behalf of the taxpayers who will be funding a big part of the stadium project.
Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin issued the following statement after the unanimous decision by the City Council.
“I want to thank our council members for their continued support of the important work our city has undertaken in partnership with Snohomish County, the AquaSox, community leaders and others, to explore our options to keep our beloved Minor League Baseball team. I also want to thank all the community members who have shared their support recently.
The AquaSox have been an important part of our greater Everett community for nearly 30 years and MiLB has been here even longer. There are relatively few options locally for affordable family fun and a night out at the ballpark is one our residents and visitors from across the county cherish.
In addition, the team has a significant economic impact on our area, bringing in millions in revenue and creating jobs, including employment opportunities for our youth.
The elevation of our team to a Class High-A has brought a higher caliber of play, an expanded schedule and new requirements for their stadium. While it’s important to invest in the necessities for our community, I believe it’s also incredibly important to keep quality of life assets like the AquaSox. These are the things that help make Everett a great place to live and visit.
To date, we have made significant progress towards identifying the most feasible and economically beneficial options either renovating Funko Field or building a new stadium elsewhere. In addition, we secured the largest grant award of $7.4 million from the State to go towards this project. The professional services agreements approved by Council will provide the expert support we need to move efficiently through the environmental review, site evaluation, project development and design stages.
I’m proud that our city’s elected leadership is committed to doing everything we can to maintain this vital economic development and recreation asset and ensure the AquaSox remain our home team for generations to come.”
November 30, 2023
Everett Economy, Everett Government