Instead Of “Meet The Owner” This Week Meet The Author – LynneMarie Szymanski

October 21, 2023

Everett, Everett Economy

Editor’s note: is working to introduce our readers to more independent business owners here in Everett, Washington. We want to highlight their businesses, tell their stories and invite you to shop locally and help move Everett, Washington forward. If you know of a business we should feature, send us a suggestion via email: Leland Dart – Publisher

LynneMarie Szymanski

LynneMarie Szymanski and her Chihuahua Mazie Moon.

The Riddle of Phydiamon

LynneMarie describes it as a post-apocalyptic adventure with a strong female lead.

LynneMarie Szymanski

The first thing she did was take a selfie with her book the moment it arrived. “I let out a little scream of joy”

Okay we’re changing it up this week and instead of “Meet the Owner” its “Meet the Author”.

LynneMarie Szymanski is a military kid who moved a fair amount in her younger years before her family settled in Everett, Washington when she was twelve years old.

“I consider myself an Everett girl,” she told me. “I always loved writing and started out writing poetry in high school, mostly for myself.”

The youngest of three kids, (she has an older sister and brother) she graduated Cascade High School then went on to Everett Community College before transferring to Western Washington University where she got a B.A. in Psychology. She furthered her education at Shippensburg University earning a Masters Degree in Counseling.

Currently she is an Academic Coordinator/Advisor for the Engineering Program at WSU Everett.

I asked her how she got started writing a book. “I started writing it a about two years ago,” she said. “I got just so far and put it away, I didn’t know what else to write.”

As a couple years passed she was at a WSU event in Vancouver talking with a co-worker about various things they had done, were doing and wanted to do.

“I realized I had the beginnings of the book, I picked it back up and it started flowing,” she explained. “As I was writing, it was like reading a book. I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. It’s like putting the pieces of a puzzle together and my subconscious mind was working on this. There were moments of I didn’t see that coming and into the book it went.”

Once she had the story completed she let friends read it along with her sister who she says gave her good advice and encouraged her to publish it as a book. After checking out some self-publishing platforms she went with Kindle Direct Publishing. The book is called The Riddle of Phydiamon and is a post-apocalyptic adventure with a strong female lead. The main character is Alana who is on a quest to solve the Riddle of Phydiamon which will save the world. It came out on the 23rd of last month and is available to download to Kindle or you can also purchase it in paperback. Here’s the link.

LynneMarie is now working on her second book which she says is very different from the first. “I’m going for something mysterious, weird” she said.

Asked who her favorite authors were she advised Dean Koontz and Tami Hoag. And as far as advice for someone who likes writing but doesn’t know if they have a book in them?

“Start writing,” she exclaimed. “Don’t worry about commas, periods and punctuation you can cross those later, just write.”

Finally I asked her what was The Riddle of Phydiamon? “You’re just gonna have to read the book,” she said with a smile.

If you’d like to meet the author in person, LynneMarie Szymanski will be holding a book signing and will have paperback copies available on Sunday November 19th from 6:00 – 7:00PM at Stuffington’s Ceramics & More at 1327 112th street SE Suite C, 98208 right across from the entrance to Silver Lake Park in south Everett, Washington.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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