During the Emphasis Patrols Social workers with the COET team offer services to people being contacted.
Yesterday, EPD conducted another Empasis. This effort involved Everett Police officers including the COET Team with social workers offering services to those contacted. The area along Casino Road west of Evergreen was a main focus.
Fifteen people were booked into the Snohomish County Jail during the four-hour Emphasis on a variety of violations of Everett’s Municipal Code including:
• Loitering for the Purposes of Drug Activity
• Trespassing in the Second Degree
• Outstanding warrants
• SODA Violations (Stay Out of Drug Areas)
Of the fifteen people arrested, nine of the bookings included knowingly using a controlled substance in public. That is a law back on the books both under Everett Municipal Code as well as Washington State Statute recently having taken effect following a special session of the State Legislature this year.
“These emphasis patrols involve officers not on regular patrol but specifically assigned to deal with problem areas identified by business owners, residents and visitors to Everett Police,” said Everett Police Officer Chris Hawley. “We continue to offer services along with these contacts to use every possible tool to help all of the people affected by street level issues and are now doing emphasis patrols with both large groups of officers and smaller teams multiple times a week.”
August 30, 2023
Police Blotter