The operation ran from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and was centered on the area stretching south on Evergreen Way for three blocks from Casino Road.
It extended north to 75th street and south to Airport Road.
The effort involved Everett Police officers and also included the COET Team with social workers, Public Works staff, Citizen Volunteers Against Crime, Evidence Technicians and others.
Fifteen people were booked into the Snohomish County Jail during the Emphasis on a variety of offenses of Everett’s Municipal Code including:
• Loitering for the Purposes of Drug Activity
• Trespassing in the Second Degree
• Outstanding warrants
• SODA Violations (Stay Out of Drug Areas)
• Blocking the Sidewalk / Disorderly Conduct
• Unlawful Transit Conduct
For a time, late Thursday morning there was a backup at the booking area of the Snohomish County Jail due to the number of people being brought in by Everett Police.
Today Everett Police said on social media that in addition to those booked into jail, three people received citations, four people were referred for services and 36 shopping carts were returned to their proper stores.
This was the first concentrated emphasis utilizing directed patrol officers in that area of Evergreen Way, but Everett Police officials say it won’t be the last.
Everett Police Chief Dan Templeman provided us with the following by email in regards to our inquiry of yesterday’s Emphasis:
“Addressing crime and enhancing quality of life for our residents and businesses is a top priority for the Everett Police. And while the issues we are seeing on our streets stretch beyond just law enforcement, it is important that we hold accountable those who are breaking the law and who continually refuse to accept our offers of treatment and services.
EPD remains committed to doing our part, within the parameters of the current law, to make Everett safe for all our residents, businesses and visitors.”
January 20, 2023
Everett, Police Blotter