Central Everett Drivers Warned Of Detour On Beverly Boulevard For Pavement Striping Tonight & Wednesday

June 13, 2023


Madison and Beverly Boulevard

Crews will be restriping the paving with a detour north and southbound tonight and Weds from 9:00 PM – 2:00 AM.


You’ll have to detour between 75th and 52nd if using Beverly Bouilevard. Click to enlarge.

A heads up if you use Madison in the area of Beverly Boulevard in Everett, Washington.

Now that pavement work is done there will be overnight closures for restriping of the pavement on Madison.

This will include the new bike lanes. The work is weather-dependent and the decision will happen in real time but in case it does here’s what you need to know on the project and the detour for the next two nights between 75th street and 52nd street on Beverly Boulevard.

The striping on Madison Street east of Evergreen Way will require a two-night closure of the intersection at Beverly Boulevard and Madison Street on June 13 and June 14. The intersection will be completely closed north and southbound and alternating traffic using one lane east and westbound.

The closure will be in place from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.


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