Work Now Underway On QFC Fuel Center At 50th And Evergreen Way

June 29, 2022


Two tanks are going in for the new QFC Fueling Center at 50th and Evergreen Way.

For those of you wondering what the construction is in front of the QFC at 50th and Evergreen Way, Work has started on a fuel center.

They first proposed it back in June of 2020 but the Pandemic pushed things back a bit.

The project is said to contain a 43- by 92foot fuel canopy (3,956 SF) with five (5) multi-product dispensers (MPDs), creating ten (10) vehicle fueling positions (VFPs) and an 8- by 23-foot (184 SF) cashier’s kiosk.

There are two underground storage tanks being installed that together will hole more than 36,000 gallons of fuel.

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