Wednesday Marks Last Male Majority Meeting For Everett City Council

December 21, 2021

Everett Government


The Everett City Council and Mayor Franklin..

Tomorrow (December 22nd) is the last scheduled meeting of 2021 for the City Council in Everett, Washington. It is also the last time that body will have a male majority. Following the results of the 2020 General Election that included the defeat of Paul Roberts by Mary Fosse and the decision by Scott Murphy, Scott Bader and Jeff Moore not to seek re-election, women will hold a majority of seats on the Everett City Council when the first meeting of 2022 happens on January 5th.

Wednesday also will be the last time all of the seats on the Everett City Council will be at-large as five of the seven council positions now represent different geographical areas of Everett which opted for representation by District. That vote happened in 2018 followed by the creation of a districting commission and the establishment of Districts. City council positions 1 – 5 became the district positions with 6 and 7 remaining at-large.

There’s a lot on the city council’s agenda for the last meeting of the year including accepting a resident’s final wishes to donate more than $20,000.00 to the Everett Animal Sheter, approving emergency authority for the utilities division to do away with competitive bidding for needed supplies impacted by supply-chain issues, approval of incentives to attract experienced police officers and offer retention bonuses to current Everett Police employees and sign off on a new one-year labor agreement with Everett Firefighters IAFF Local 46.

2022 will also bring adjustments to the council districts as the results of the decennial Census have been delivered which triggers the development of updated district boundaries based on population. Per State and City rules each district must have roughly the same population as the others. The city is taking applications for the 2022 Districting Commission until January 3rd. You can click here for an application.

The meeting is set for Wednesday December 22nd starting at 12:30PM. It is being held remotely via Zoom but can be seen live online at Everett TV or on Cable Channel 21 on Comcast or Channel 27 on Ziply Fiber. Here’s more on participating in the Everett City Council meetings.

 If you wish to speak at a council meeting, please contact Deb Williams at 425 257 8703 or you may email her at  

PLEASE identify the topic you wish to address. Persons seeking to comment on non-agenda items may be asked to submit the comments in writing if the comment does not address an issue of broad public interest.    Once we receive the request, we will promptly confirm your request, provide you further instructions on how to join the meeting and fill out the speaker sheet to provide to the city clerk as part of the permanent record, or we will ask you to submit the comment in writing.  Please call beginning one half hour before the meeting begins.  

If you do not wish to participate remotely in our meeting, we provide these other methods of contacting your elected officials: 

  • email the Council at
  • contact the council offices at 425 257 8703.  
  • You may call in just to listen to the meeting by calling 1.425.616.3920, enter Conference ID #724 887 726#. 


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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