On Wednesday the Everett City Council will be asked to approve a resolution declaring an emergency and special market conditions that will allow the City’s water, sewer, and stormwater utilities to respond to the supply chain disruption and let the City to respond to the immediate need for COVID-19 tests.
If approved by the City Council, the City is authorized to execute and award all contracts and other instruments necessary to address the supply chain disruptions, including, but not limited to, purchase orders and leases for acquisition of materials and equipment and to waive competitive bidding and make the necessary purchases.
Examples presented to make the case in waving competitive bidding include.
1. Water Utility. Examples of the types of equipment and materials so affected include without limitation: treatment chemicals, treatment process related equipment or rental of such equipment, pipe, service connections, valves, appurtenances, hydrants, couplings, and other maintenance, repair, and operating supplies.
2. Sewer and Stormwater Utility. Examples of the types of equipment and materials so affected include without limitation: treatment chemicals, treatment process related equipment or rental of such equipment, pipes, catch basins, manholes, appurtenances, treatment chemicals and other maintenance, repair, and operating supplies.
The City says this resolution is similar to action recently taken by the Snohomish County PUD. You can click here to see briefing materials being presented to the City Council for their consideration at their meeting Wednesday (12/22) at 12:30 PM.
December 20, 2021
Everett Government