Everett Launching $1,000,000.00 Small Business+Non-Profit Relief Fund

April 17, 2020

Everett Government


The application period opens April 30th.

At this week’s Everett City Council meeting Mayor Cassie Franklin announced the City was launching a relief fund with a $1,000,000.00 budget to assist small business and non-profit agencies in Everett, Washington. Applications will open at the end of the month after City Council approval. Here are a few more early details.

Later this month, the City of Everett will launch the Everett Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (Everett CARES) Grant Program to support small businesses and nonprofits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The application process is scheduled to open on April 30, pending City Council approval on April 29.

The program will allocate $500,000 of the Everett CARES funds for small business recovery and re-engagement efforts, and $500,000 for bolstering community service programs that provide basic needs to Everett’s most vulnerable residents.

“Small businesses and nonprofits are the heart of our community,” said Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin. “When they suffer, we all suffer and when they thrive, we all thrive.”

Economic needs have been identified through information shared by the Everett community and a survey provided by Main Street America on the economic impacts of COVID-19. Funding is made possible by a change in guidelines from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for economic impacts from COVID-19. These changes allow easier access for Everett to use Community Development Block Grant funds to aid small businesses.

The program will disburse funds throughout the city with priority given to small businesses and non-profits owned by, employing or serving low-income communities experiencing inequities.

“Everett CARES illustrates how the City is fighting COVID-19 with new, innovative tactics on the economic front,” said Dan Eernissee, economic development director.

More information will be made available in the coming weeks as the program is ready to launch at everettwa.gov/everettcareseverettwa.gov/everettcareseverettwa.gov/everettcares.

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