Citing Health Issues Ted Wenta Resigns From Everett School Board

June 29, 2018

Everett Schools

Received this message from Everett Schools this (Fri) afternoon.

Ted Wenta

Ted Wenta. Photo credit Everett Schools.

In a message he said brought him “great sadness and a tremendous sense of loss,” Superintendent Gary Cohn announced to Everett Public Schools staff this afternoon that he and the school board were informed by a letter from Director Ted Wenta of his resignation from the school board effective June 29.

In that letter, Wenta cited recent health challenges and wrote, “While I’m deeply disappointed that I will not be able to fulfill my elected term, I believe it’s in the best interest of the district to have a director who can serve in this role to his or her fullest capacity. Our students deserve no less.”

School Board President Caroline Mason said, “The board was heavyhearted to learn Director Wenta will be stepping down from his position. Ted has brought a thoughtful voice and valued leadership to the school board, and his presence will truly be missed. We understand this is the right decision for Director Wenta at this time and wish the best for him and his family.”

“It is now the school board’s responsibility to appoint a replacement member,” explained district communications spokesperson Diane Bradford. “Logistics of that process are being developed quickly to align with board Policy 1115 and Procedure 1115P and state law (RCW 28A.343.370). “When those details are worked out, we will publish that information on our website, through email distribution channels and local media.”

Cohn’s message to staff credited Wenta’s leadership and advocacy.

During Mr. Wenta’s term on the board, he was a tireless advocate for students, staff and community through some of the most exciting –and challenging– times I’ve seen in Washington’s public education.

Ted played a key role in some of our most significant recent achievements and work in progress. A stellar example is our AVID scholarship program with the Rotary Club of Everett. Another is his outspoken support for the district’s 2016 capital bond and technology levy that makes possible the integration of computers across the district curriculum, which is often referred to as our 1:1 strategy because it provides every student a tablet or laptop by 2021.

Mr. Wenta was deeply engaged in the process leading up to the board’s decision to put a Replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy and a capital bond on the February 2018 ballot. Over two years and more than a dozen meetings and study sessions went into planning what voters were asked to approve. Throughout the deliberative, community process, Mr. Wenta focused on what students need, on building a fourth comprehensive high school, and on a stable projected tax rate for the community.

Serving well as a school board member is as challenging as it can be rewarding. With more than 50 meetings a year, and any number of additional appearances at dozens of school- and community-related events, school board members are truly unsung heroes for students. I am grateful to have worked with and for a board member of Ted Wenta’s caliber.


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