2000 Flags Given Out By McClain Insurance In The Last 10 Years

June 8, 2018

Events in Everett


There were some very well worn flags brought in this week.


Claudia McClain and EPD Officer Coleman on Wednesday.

The five o’clock bell brought an end to the 10th American Flag Exchange at McClain Insurance in south Everett today. “I’ve been going over the numbers and with all the flags this week we’ve topped two thousand given away since 2008,” Claudia McClain told MyEverettNews.com. “There are going to be some very busy Boy Scouts,” she added.

Boy Scouts will respectfully retire the hundreds of flags that came in this week from people across Everett and Snohomish County. They each received a new American made flag from McClain and her staff. Claudia says her team started this effort a decade ago in honor of Flag Day which happens every June 14th. She says people appreciate that the used flags are retired properly.

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