Everett School District Proposing Changes In Elementary School Boundaries

June 8, 2018

Everett Schools

Here’s a press release received Friday afternoon regarding changes to elementary school boundaries within the Everett School District. There are links to further information and a feedback form within the release.

school boundaries

There is still time to provide feedback. Click map to enlarge.

On June 5, Superintendent Cohn presented an elementary boundary recommendation to the school board for their consideration and review before a final vote that will take place on June 19.

The new boundaries in the superintendent’s recommendation create a service area for Elementary No. 18, due to open in 2019. The boundary recommendations balance elementary school enrollments in the district’s south region.

The superintendent’s recommendation makes two adjustments to the boundary map the Elementary Boundary Committee submitted earlier for his consideration.

The superintendent’s decision to adjust these two areas is based on additional community input and a long term perspective of enrollment trends over the next 10 years:

  1. Mill Creek: The first change moves Area 4, located just south of 132nd Street SE along 35th Avenue SE, back to Mill Creek Elementary School. Additional housing growth is expected in the Penny Creek service area, while there is not expected to be any substantial housing growth in the Mill Creek service area. Shifting Area 4 back to Mill Creek would leave more space for Penny Creek to grow over time. It would also avoid the potential of having to move Area 4 back to Mill Creek if Penny Creek enrollment projections exceed five-year projections.
  2. Forest View: The second change shifts the southern boundary of Forest View to better align with the boundary committee’s intent that driveways exiting on the south side of South 156th Street go to Forest View.

To develop his recommendation, the superintendent and a team of district staff reviewed more than 200 comments submitted by community members.

What’s next?

  • An online form is available until 5 p.m. Friday, June 15 to capture additional input on the superintendent’s recommendation.
  • On June 19, before voting on a final elementary boundary decision, the board will take additional public comments. After the board’s June 19 decision, the new boundary lines will go into effect starting the first day of school in September 2019.

The original timeline submitted by the boundary committee staff set the board’s decision in September 2018. Finalizing elementary boundaries before school is out, instead of next fall, allows families and schools even more planning and transition time for fall 2019.



In April 2016, voters said “yes” to building a new elementary school to help alleviate overcrowding in the district’s southern region. Elementary No. 18, under construction now at 180th Street SE, will open in fall 2019.

The Elementary Boundary Committee, including parents and staff, began work in November 2017 to draw boundaries for the new school and to adjust boundaries for elementary schools in that region to balance school enrollments. The committee studied student enrollment and school capacities and used that information to develop its recommendation for the superintendent on new school boundaries. The committee collected input online through May 25, which the superintendent considered in developing his final recommendation.

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