Archive | July 27th, 2016

PUD Contractor Hiring Meter Readers In Everett

July 27, 2016


After the huge controversy over the Snohomish PUD switching to monthly billing, but only sending out meter readers every other month, the Snohomish PUD said it would hire more meter readers. That process appears to be under way. A reader sent us the following job posting found on Craigslist. National Company Now Hiring Meter […]

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Forget Toasters, Everett Bank Opens With Free Ice Cream

July 27, 2016


In the old days banks used to give away free toasters when you opened an account at a new branch. Well those days are long gone but tomorrow Peoples Bank is giving way free ice cream sundaes as a way to get you into their new branch in downtown Everett. It’s at the corner of […]

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