Everett Police Define Criminal Vs. Non-Criminal

criminal vs. annoying

Annoying behavior isn’t necessarily criminal. Everett Police try to answer your questions.

With the Safe Streets Proposal underway in Everett, Washington a lot of people are asking questions about what is criminal behavior as opposed to behavior that is not criminal but people may find annoying.

Both business owners who want to know their rights as well as people who are living on the streets have been confused over what is and isn’t allowed with the recent passage by the Everett City Council of laws regarding things such as panhandling, trespassing and aggressive begging..

The Everett Police Department has now put up a list of Frequently Asked Questions (along with answers) regarding behavior on Everett Streets.

Those questions include…

1.What is begging?
2.What is aggressive begging?
3.What is trespassing?
4.What is loitering?
5.What is unlawful camping?
6.What conduct is allowed when begging?
7.What conduct is NOT allowed when begging?
8.What do I do if confronted by an aggressive beggar?
9.What are the penalties of aggressive begging?
10.What do I do if I’m uncomfortable, but am not threatened?
11.Where is public property?
12.Can people block the sidewalk?
13.Can people sit or lay on the sidewalk?
14.If I’m a business owner, what do I do if someone is behaving irrationally or intimidating my customers?
15.If I’m a business owner, what do I do if someone is sleeping in a doorway?
16.If I’m a business owner, what do I do if there are unauthorized people on my property?
17.What is the police department doing to address these issues?
18.How can I help?
19.Is there additional information on panhandling?
20.Is there additional information on trespassing?

When you click on the above questions you’ll be taken to the Question and Answer page on the Everett Police website. Click on the question again and your answer will appear.

There are also now brochures that cover Trespassing and Panhandling that you can download and have available for reference.

Everett Police have also expanded their website to include more information on the latest traffic emphasis areas, online crime reporting and more. Click this link to visit the Everett Police website.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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