Got this press release from the City of Everett late Wednesday afternoon. You may want to share with any dog owners you know…
The City of Everett Parks and Recreation Department is temporarily closing its three off-leash dog areas as a precaution to the recent outbreak of the Canine Parvovirus in King County.
The off-leash areas will be closed until further notice. The off-leash dog areas are:
Howarth Park, north beach area,1127 Olympic Blvd
Loganberry Lane Park, wooded path at the end of 18th Avenue West
Lowell Park, fenced area north of the tennis courts, 46th Street and S. 3rd Avenue
Recent media reports indicate that veterinarians in King County have been warning pet owners about an alarming spike in the number of parvovirus cases in King County.
The decision to close the off-leash areas in Everett was made because the potentially deadly parvovirus spreads easily, is very hearty and can live in untreated areas for long periods of time. The city also received an unconfirmed report of a handful of possible illnesses after visits to city off-leash area.
The virus can shed for up to two weeks prior to the dog showing any signs of illness and can contaminate the ground, feeding dishes, collars, leashes and the hands and clothing of people who handle infected dogs. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and lethargy.
For more information on the virus, contact your local veterinarian.
November 28, 2012
Everett, Everett Government