A young male deer caused quite a commotion this morning throughout the eastern edge of downtown Everett. The deer was first reported around 8:00am in the area of McDonald’s near Broadway and Everett Avenue. From that point, the deer was sighted on Broadway, moving east on Pacific, past Cedar Avenue, near the entrance to the freeway and finally wandering back into the woods behind Quantum Wood Windows near 34th and Hill. Everett Police Sgt. Robert Goetz says if people see a deer walking thru town, the best thing to do is just let it walk. You don’t need to call 9-1-1 and its a bad idea to try to chase it or capture it. Like most of us, it was probably just happy to have a day without rain and decided to take a little walk. In other Everett wildlife news, the Everett Police records room was playing host to a live seagull temporarily housed in an empty records box. Apparently the bird was injured and police were holding it for the folks at the Sarvey Wildlife Center who were on the way to assist. Also remember those pesky crows who were bombarding workers at the Police building at 3002 Wetmore? (Here’s a link to the story from The Seattle Times) They’re gone now as are the trees they were dive bombing people from. Seems the trees were removed as part of the sewer replacement project in that area. When the trees went away, so did the crows. By the way, the tree removal was scheduled long before the crow problem began and city officials promise the removal was not retaliation.
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July 22, 2011
Downtown Everett