Everett to WSP and SCSO, Stay Away From Our Speeders, We Want That Money

Are Snohomish County Sheriff's Deputies and Troopers poaching speeders in Everett city limit?.

Everett City Council expresses concern over Sheriff’s Deputies and WSP Troopers setting up “Speed Traps” and collecting revenue within the Everett City limits

At tonight’s Everett City Council meeting, Council member Ron Gipson expressed concern over Snohomish County Sheriff’s Deputies running radar enforcement within the Everett City limits in South Everett while the money from those tickets goes to the county. Council member Brenda Stonecipher also expressed worry over what she called “speed traps” in north and south Everett by deputies and State Troopers. Council members said they understood a deputy or trooper pulling someone over when they observed a violation within the city limits but didn’t like that these agencies were actively seeking traffic violators and taking the money that those tickets generate, away from the city. The city administration said they would look into the issue and report back at a later date. It looks like this could generate some interesting discussions among the Sheriff’s Office, Washington State Patrol and Everett Police. The questions arise…Is Everett unhappy that outside agencies are helping keep our streets safer? Is traffic safety only about the money? Are there not enough speeders in unincorporated Snohomish County and on the Freeway? Hmmm.

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