checked with Everett Police and the numbers are showing an upward trend.
There seem to be two primary methods.
In the first, a vehicle backs into a business smashing the door and multiple people enter and take what they can quickly grab.
In the other method a single person takes a large rock and breaks a glass door or window and goes inside.
In both methods the burglars are in and out in about two minutes.
Some statistics from Everett Police Public Information Officer Ora Hamel:
Hamel offered the following suggestions for business owners in Everett.
If businesses have the ability, the use of bollards or large planters to block vehicles from driving through the windows may help the business to not be an easy target.
Post incident-having a good surveillance system that has the ability to catch clear photos of suspects or vehicles is very helpful to aid in the identification of suspects.
Everett Police have a link to their Community Crime Map where you are able to see the type of crime and general neighborhood of many crimes within the City Limits.You can click here to access the map and then type Everett, Washington as the location. Let the map load and then click the filter button to select the type of crime and date range of interest. It does take a moment to load.
September 5, 2023
Police Blotter