Appointment Process Set For Everett School Board Position Following Resignation Announcement By Andrew Nicholls

June 28, 2023

Everett Schools

This in today from the Everett School District:

Everett School Board

Click to learn more about the Everett School Board

Everett, WA— School Board Director Andrew Nicholls submitted a letter of resignation to President LeSesne on June 22, 2023, subject to board acceptance during the June 27 regular board meeting. President LeSesne charged the superintendent with starting the process to accept applications for board consideration in accordance with existing board policy and procedure and announced the process and timeline for qualified applicants to submit application materials the board will consider in appointing a successor to Nicholls.

There are two ways qualified citizens can be considered for appointment to the vacant position. 1) Nomination. If a nominee so chooses, he or she must indicate interest in the position by providing application materials. Or 2) Direct application. Individuals may directly apply for the position themselves; candidates do not need to be nominated to apply for this position.
Upon request, the superintendent will make available a summary of school board member responsibilities and meeting dates. Potential applicants or those considering submitting nominations for the vacant position are also invited to review school board information on the district website school board pages as well as background school board meeting material on BoardDocs.

• To be qualified, an applicant must be a United States citizen, a resident within Everett Public Schools district boundaries and a registered voter.

Due to the summer break, NOMINATIONS accepted September 6 through Wednesday, September 13 at 4:30 p.m.
• Any citizen may nominate a qualified applicant by the September 13, 4:30 p.m. nomination deadline.
• The superintendent will provide those nominated with a summary of school board member responsibilities and will solicit from each nominee a biographic sketch as well as a statement about his or her interest in being a board member. Nominees who choose to respond with application materials must meet the application timeline and process described below.

APPLICATIONS accepted beginning September 6 through Wednesday, September 20 at 4:30 p.m.
• Interested citizens must submit application materials.
• An application packet must include a biographical sketch of the interested candidate, a statement about an applicant’s interest in being a board member, and his or her name, residential address and contact phone number. An email address should be provided.
• Application packets must be received by the September 20, 4:30 p.m. application deadline to Superintendent, Everett Public Schools, 3900 Broadway, Everett, WA 98201, by U.S. Postal Service or in-person delivery.
• Application information may also be submitted by email to and received by the September 20, 4:30 p.m. deadline.

Candidate nomination and application materials are subject to public disclosure under Washington’s Public Records Act.

Board selection process and timeline
• On September 26, 2023, the Everett Public Schools Board of Directors will convene at 1:30 p.m. to review the applications received by the submission deadline. Candidates’ qualifications will be discussed in executive session. The board will select up to five finalists in open session.
• Candidate interviews will be conducted in open session. Candidates selected for interviews will be given an interview time on October 5, with the first interview beginning at 1 p.m.
• Following open session interviews, the board may recess into executive session to discuss candidates’ qualifications and then will return to open session to decide whom to appoint to succeed Andrew Nicholls.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend the public board meetings and interviews during this very important process.

New board member orientation
The newly appointed school director will be provided a day-long board orientation by the board, staff, and others in October, and will attend the three-day Washington School Directors Association annual conference in November in Bellevue.

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