Everett Taking Next Step To Possibly Merge Bus Service With Community Transit

December 1, 2021

Everett Government

A preliminary study is happening but a vote is likely a couple of years away.

Editor’s Update 10:00PM: The Everett City Council unanimously approved the study but made assurances that this was about gathering data and not pushing for a merger.

At their Wednesday meeting the City Council in Everett, Washington will vote on setting up what is being called a


This comes as a result of the ReThink Transit study earlier this year and the direction of the Everett City Council to explore the Growth Through Consolidation alternative presented in June. Basically, this is the beginning of a long process that examines what a merger of Everett Transit into Community Transit would look like. From the briefing papers…

The agencies agree that the highest value and level of long-term sustainable, equitable transit service in the City may best be achieved by the City of Everett joining the Community Transit PTBA, thereby merging Everett Transit with Community Transit as envisioned by the Growth Through Consolidation option.

Consolidated transit service would provide a significantly higher level of mobility throughout Everett’s neighborhoods as well as seamless, equitable connectivity and access to surrounding communities. This integrated transit system would provide the level of service and sustainability Everett requires for mobility and opportunity today and connection to light rail in the future.

This proposal, developed jointly by Everett Transit and Community Transit executive leadership, provides a recommended framework for developing a consolidation implementation plan to move forward to the respective governing bodies for further consideration.

It will be a year and a half before the City Council gets a final report on the idea.

The stated objective of the joint study framework is to define a plan where Everett Transit is integrated into Community Transit and then develop that into a ballot measure where Everett voters would ultimately decide if a merger would be undertaken. That vote wouldn’t likely happen until fall of 2023. The plan would cover some of the following according to materials being presented to the City Council.

Community Transit and City of Everett leadership agree the integration plan will:

• Define the mechanism for implementation and identify the path to a ballot measure for
voter consideration.
• Clearly describe the type, extent, and delivery model of transit services that would be
offered under Growth Through Consolidation option.
• Define the transfer of facilities, vehicles, and equipment.
• Consider governance implications and options for Board representation and reach
agreement on preferred approach.
• Evaluate options and timing of transition, including potential phasing, and its financial,
service, customer, and community impacts.
• Describe the transition and integration of workforce and all supporting functions.
• Develop a joint communication, marketing, and brand strategy.
• Determine the need for and clearly define any policy changes required by the mutually
agreed consolidation plan.
You can click here to see the agreement as it is being presented to the Everett City Council.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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