Barricades Go Up On Selected Streets Around Everett

July 20, 2020

Everett Government

Looking north on Commercial from 63rd SE

Looking south on Commercial from 63rd

Several days ago barricades and signs went up on four different stretches of roadway in Everett, Washington as the city launched its new Healthy Streets program. Here’s an explanation of what’s going on for those who suddenly found local access only on streets leading to their homes.

The City of Everett is designating select streets “local access only” to encourage active transportation and increase opportunities for people to get out, get fresh air and get moving. The Healthy Streets program is intended to provide additional social distancing space for pedestrians and bicycles, limit through-traffic on these streets, and continue access for local traffic. The program aligns with the continuing implementation of the City’s Bicycle Master Plan and other planned transportation improvements.

The four street segments selected for this program connect with bicycle and pedestrian facilities across the length of the city, creating a continuous route from north Everett to Silver Lake. They will be open to local access only through phase three of Washington’s Safe Start plan, or until otherwise announced.

Open to local access only beginning mid-July:

  • Hoyt Avenue, Everett Avenue to 19th Street
  • Hoyt Avenue, 38th Street to 32nd Street
  • Commercial Avenue, 55th Street to Madison Street
  • Silver Lake Road at 19th Avenue SE

    Click here to view the Healthy Streets map

    About local access designation

  • Through traffic is not permitted on the selected streets
  • People who live along them can drive to and from their homes
  • Emergency services can access the streets
  • Delivery workers can access the streets
  • Street parking and parking lot access are still allowed

    Tips for using the local access roads

  • Keep it moving! Keep walking, running, rolling or biking; no picnics, BBQs, sports or gatherings.
  • If you see a others gathering or out for a stroll, maintain social distancing for your safety and theirs.
  • Can’t maintain 6 feet of distance from others? Bring a face cover with you just in case.
  • Since local access is still allowed, pedestrians should keep an eye out for cars and delivery vehicles, and drivers should keep an eye out for pedestrians and bikes.

    How streets were selected for this program
    Higher priority given to:
    Low-volume local streets with arterials in close proximity to appropriate route alternatives
    Streets where several alternative routes exist
    Local streets that are part of the Bicycle Master Plan—routes that have already been implemented and those that are planned
    A walking path around Silver Lake, a planned pedestrian amenity

    Lower priority given to:
    Streets with fire truck or bus service routes
    Streets with extensive angle parking

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    My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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