Everett School District Decides To Pull Bond Measure

March 16, 2020

Everett Schools

This in tonight from Everett School District.
Everett Schools

As we continue to work with local and state health officials to monitor and respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus, Everett Public Schools made the decision to postpone our April 28 bond. This decision was made after consultation with the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office and new social distancing guidance from the governor. District officials are looking at later dates this year based on the evolving healthcare situation.

The need to build more schools, enhance safety, improve STEM opportunities and add space for students remains. However, our top priority is the health of our community. We will focus on ensuring our students have access to meals during this extended emergency district wide closure, and providing guidance for student engagement and learning support.

Now is the time to focus on coming together to help each other in responding to this worldwide health risk. We will determine the next steps for our bond and keep you posted. Thank you to all the staff and community members who have already put a lot of time into helping determine our facility funding priorities. We look forward to revisiting these plans in the future.

As a reminder, we are posting updates on our website every day, including locations for student meals and other resources, at https://www.everettsd.org/.


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