If you live in an area of Everett that overlooks the waterfront you are being invited to participate in an upcoming crane lighting demonstration taking place at the Port of Everett Wednesday, January 29 thru Wednesday, February 5, 2020. The purpose of the demonstration is to gather feedback on two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airspace navigation compliance options being considered by the Port as part of the installation of its recently acquired container cranes at South Terminal
Because the South Terminal cranes are 215 feet tall, and the Seaport is in proximity to the flight paths for both Naval Station Everett and Providence Hospital, the cranes must remain in compliance with these regulations to support the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace.
WHAT OPTIONS ARE BEING CONSIDERED? The two options currently up for consideration are: 1) Keep the cranes as they are, with the white and orange hash markings on the top portion of the cranes that exceed 200 feet in height OR 2) Paint the cranes to match the Port’s shorter, 197-foot tall cranes at Pacific Terminal, and install red and white pulsating lights on the top portion of the cranes that exceed 200 feet in height, to be illuminated 24/7/365.
HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE IN THE LIGHT DEMONSTRATION? During the lighting demonstration taking place Wednesday, January 29 thru Wednesday, February 5, one of the two cranes will remain as is (see crane image above), and the other one will be temporarily equipped with FAA compliant red and white pulsating lights.
If you live or work within view of the Port of Everett Seaport, specifically the South Terminal, you can simply view the cranes from your home or office. If you don’t live or work within view, a suggested viewing location is the Warren Avenue Outlook located in the Port Gardner Neighborhood near Laurel Drive.
HOW CAN I PROVIDE FEEDBACK? To provide feedback on your preference following viewing, please visit www.portofeverett.com/cranes to complete a quick survey. The deadline to complete the survey is the end of day Wednesday, February 5, 2020. In addition, the Port Commission will host a public meeting at the February 4 regular Port Commission meeting to consider citizen comments.
QUESTIONS? If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Soper at 425.388.0680 or e-mail publicaffairs@portofeverett.com.
January 22, 2020