Light Rail Leading Everett To ReThink Zoning

October 14, 2019

Everett Government

The City of Everett is taking a long-term look at growth.

The City of Everett, Washington is opening a comment process as it prepares an Environmental Impact Statement on future development around the Light Rail stations planned across the city.

Tuesday night the Everett Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on the Environmental Impact Statement.

A 30-day comment period has begun to discuss existing conditions, mitigation measures and impacts both positive and negative.

Items to be examined include land use, housing, transportation, public facilities and services, environmental justice and racial equity, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The ReThink Zoning effort will examine three areas.

  • Existing Plans and Regulations
  • Code Consolidation
  • Transit Focused Growth.

    You can click here to see the Planning Commission agenda and further explanations on what the process looks like. The Planning Commission meeting is Tuesday October 15th at 6:30 PM in the Everett City Council chambers at 3002 Wetmore Avenue in downtown Everett.

    The City has put together an overview of the ReThink Zoning plan and a web page with more information.

    What is Rethink Zoning?

    Rethink Zoning is a multi-year effort to ensure that our development regulations support our efforts to recruit new businesses and ensure a wide range of housing for all price points.

    Why is the City rethinking zoning?

    The current version of the City’s zoning code was adopted in 1989. The world and Everett have changed significantly since that time. We can make zoning simpler and also protect community values by building on the success of Metro Everett that simplified the City’s approach to zoning. Since then, the City simplified the future land use map and updated the City’s sign code and critical area regulations.

    How can I participate in Rethink Zoning?

    The City values your input and contributions to this initiative. Below are several ways for you to participate in Rethink Zoning.

    • Survey – Gauging our community’s feedback through online and in-person engagement is an important component of the Rethink  Zoning public outreach strategy. Fill out our community survey at an open house or start here by clicking this link
    • Open houses – These open houses enable you to learn about how, what and when the City is rethinking our zoning code.
    Monday, Oct. 21
    Noon – 1:30 p.m.
    Everett Performing Arts Center
    2710 Wetmore Ave.

    Thursday, Oct. 24
    6:30 – 8 p.m.
    Cascade High School Library
    801 E Casino Rd.

    • Visit our project website – Information will be updated regularly on our project website:


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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