Word into MyEverettNews.com that Historic Everett and Friends will ‘HeartBomb’ the Longfellow School this Friday, March 1st 2019 at 3:00 PM. Here’s more from the group on their plans as they try to save Longfellow School from the wrecking ball.
A heart bomb is a public display of affection for places that matter. Every February, people across the country gather at historic sites and local landmarks (both safe and threatened!) to snap a photo with their valentines.Sharing the photos on social media raises awareness of these special places and why they matter to their local communities.
The public is welcome to attend and bring balloons, hearts, love letters, photos and any symbols of affection for the seriously endangered Longfellow School, potentially scheduled for demolition in the near future. The building is located at 3715 Oakes Avenue, in the Longfellow section of the Port Gardner neighborhood.
There is also an opportunity to create hearts with members of Historic Everett on Thursday 2/28/19 at 6:00 p.m. at 2112 Rucker Avenue #8 (south side of building downstairs) where we will have paper and markers for you to use and refreshments will be served.
Historic Everett was founded in 2002 and became a non-profit in 2003. Since its formation, the organization has garnered immense support from community members, local businesses, the City of Everett, and the State of Washington. Its members volunteer to raise awareness for homes and structures of historical value. Historic Everett works hand in hand with Everett citizens, forming important, and lasting ties within the community.
February 28, 2019
Events in Everett