Everett Firefighters Association Honors Seniors With Annual Meal
Preparation begins early Sunday morning
Members of the Everett Firefighters Association donate their time and provide the food.
More than 500 meals will be prepared.
The food is plated
Family members of Everett Firefighters help deliver the meals.
A moment of calm before the meal service begins.
After 19 years the operation runs like a well oiled machine.
Dinner is served
Food, friendship, music and fun filled the Senior Center Dining room
And at the end of the day…
For the 19th year members of the
Everett Firefighters Association and their families provided a holiday themed meal for seniors at the Carl Gipson Senior Center in Everett, Washington.
Preparation started early and at the end of the day about five hundred meals were served over three sessions. Here are a few MyEverettNews.com photos from today. Click photo to enlarge.
Everett Firefighters, Firefighters serve seniors, meal, senior meal
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November 18, 2018
Everett Fire