Everett City Council Districting Meetings Underway

April 18, 2018

Everett Government


People watched a video before breaking up into discussion groups.

Last night about 30 people turned out for the first of four meetings being held by the City of Everett to provide information on creating city council districts.

Things began with a video featuring Hugh Spitzer, a law professor at the University of Washington explaining various options for creating city council districts.

After the video the attendees broke up into small discussion groups that covered the following six questions.

1). What did you hear that stood out to you in the presentation?

2). What’s an example of a time you felt well represented? Poorly represented? What does being well-represented mean to you?

3). When you hear the phrase “communities of mutual interest” what do you think of? Which aspects of “communities of mutual interest” would you want to be considered as council moves forward?

4). What would it look like if your community or neighborhood was well represented? How well represented to you feel at this time?

5). What do you think are the benefits of the city wide elections? What are the benefits of elections by district?

6). As City Council moves forward in this process, what key elements do you think should be included in a proposal?

The meetings are not a place to ask city staff questions but to spur discussions among residents about districts and to encourage people to do more research and seek out opinions from their neighbors.

There are still three more community meetings left this month.

Thursday, April 19, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Evergreen Middle School cafeteria (7621 Beverly Lane) Everett Transit route 3 or 7

Wednesday, April 25, 3 – 4:30 p.m.
Everett Housing Authority Baker Heights Community Center large room (1401 Poplar)
Everett Transit route 29, 4 or 7

Monday, April 30, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Evergreen Middle School cafeteria (7621 Beverly Lane) Everett Transit route 3 or 7

You can also see the video featuring Attorney Spitzer and learn more about the districting process here.

After the public meetings are over the city will activate a survey during the month of May to gather more specific information from residents of Everett on what they want to see in the way of districts.

The City Council has to come up with a ballot measure by August 7th to put the issue before voters in the November General Election.

It should be noted about half of the crowd last night were supporters of the Everett Districts Now plan for two at-large council candidates and five elected by districts. They had signs placed outside of the meeting place but city staff reminded all that the discussions were to be neutral and participants could not advocate one plan over another.


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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