Updated Everett Ballot Drop Information

November 8, 2016

Everett, Everett Government

Here’s an update to ballot drop off locations in Everett.

ballet drop

Ballot drop boxes close exactly at 8:00 PM election night.

The will be a mobile drop off set up at the Everett Mall from 11AM – 8PM. It is located in the west parking lot of Sears where the Friday Everett Farmers Market is held.

There is a walk up ballot drop box at the corner of Rockefeller and Wall Street in downtown Everett.

There is a drive up ballot drop box at McCollum Park off 128th street east of I-5 south of Everett.

There are accessible voting units inside the Auditors Office at the courthouse in downtown Everett.

Voting ends at 8:00 PM Sharp. Boxes will close at 8:00 PM. Due to lines, shoot for 7:30 PM to be safe.

If you’d like to make sure you vote was received here’s a link to check.

Here’s the link for election results.

Here are more FAQs and resources from the Snohomish County Auditor…
Ballots were mailed to registered voters on October 20. If you have not received your ballot, you can print your ballot at myvote.wa.gov and mail it, return it to a drop box or mobile ballot drop box van location, accessible voting location, or the Auditor’s Office by November 8.

You may return your voted ballot any time after you receive it, and it must be postmarked by Election Day. Save postage by returning your ballot to one of our drop boxes until 8pm on November 8, or visit one of our mobile drop box vans when they are in your area. We encourage you to return your ballot as soon as practical.

Lost your return envelope? Replacement envelopes are available at accessible voting locations during hours of operation and the Auditor’s Office. You may also print the missing signature form, fill it out, put it in an envelope with your ballot, and return it by your usual method.
Note: Due to the large number of state and local measures on the ballot, $0.68 postage is needed to return your ballot by mail (one first class stamp and a $0.22 stamp – or simply use two first class stamps). As has always been the case, the Auditor’s Office accepts ballots returned to us with insufficient postage.

Voters’ pamphlets were mailed to every household, regardless of voter registration status. Your ballot may not contain races or measures contained in the voters’ pamphlet. View voters’ pamphlet statements specific to your ballot at www.myvote.wa.gov . Copies may be available at Sno-Isle Library branches and the Everett Public Library.

Voters’ Pamphlet
Current Election Results
Current Precinct Results (Excel)
Current Precinct Results (PDF)
Ballot Return Statistics
Returned Ballot Voter ID
Has the Auditor’s Office Received my Ballot?
Sample Ballot (Not for voting purposes)

Asked to provide or update your signature? Find the forms here:
Signature Update Form
Missing Signature Form


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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