Day 12 March Mug Madness Update

March 15, 2016


Now just 9 mugs to go and we’ll be done with our fundraiser for March. It was a one mug Monday and man there was a lot going on. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far…it’s a lot of fun meeting you when I go out on mug deliveries.


As far as visitors Monday…We had 3,168 unique users with 6,008 page views. 33% of our visitors were new with 67% returning. 38% had IP addresses in Everett with 17% from Seattle. Our top age range was 35 – 44 with 55% of our total readers female and 45% male. Again thanks for your continued support.

We’ve had a few people who wanted to show their support but didn’t want a coffee mug. That’s fine. Feel free to click on the mug above and in your note just (nicely) tell us what to do with the mug. Thanks again.

Leland Dart – Publisher

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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